Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Blog #4: EOTO Communication Technology: DVDs & CDs

    The first form of communication technology dates back to around 3500 B.C. However, one of the biggest turning points in technological innovation history happened around the birth of the CD and DVD. These two technologies have made a lasting impact on mass communication as a whole. Though these innovations are crucial to the world of communication technology, they have grown to become quite obsolete in today's society. 

    In 1982, the first ever compact disc (CD) was created. The idea of this technology was to eliminate the need for all analog media equipment and cassette tapes. CDs can also record and store any type of playback audio. This was first created by Sony Corporation and Philips Electronics, two of the world's top technology producers. It is kind of ironic how these CDs were created in the 1980's to discontinue the use of obsolete media equipment. Yet, in 2024, CD's are almost considered to be obsolete as everything is now digital. 

    Though the compact disc was created by Philips and Sony, it was the famous record labels who widely promoted the product. The collaboration of these major technology producers was necessary for development, however, there were some hurdles that they faced during the manufacturing process. Since this innovation caused such a turning point in communication technology, manufacturers were worried that consumers would have no interest in purchasing this innovation due to increased pricing and potential piracy concerns. Despite these hurdles, the CD has greatly changed our world, pushing us towards a future of technological advancement. The compact disc benefitted both the consumer and the creator of the media displayed within it. The creators received more interest from their audiences because of the higher quality production, thus growing their success. The consumers were given access to higher-quality media and able to modernize the way they store data and playback audio. This changed the communication between creators and consumers by building a fanbase off of the shared media, the higher quality innovation has harvested a higher quality relationship between them. There weren't many negative effects of the CD, just that it made earlier technology obsolete with its expansion of storage capacity and compactness. 

    In 1995, the first ever digital video disk (DVD) was created. The idea of this technology was to fulfill the need to store data, media, and video for backup and transport. DVDs are commonly used for home entertainment, like movies and TV shows, but are also used for business and marketing purposes. The CD, created by Sony Corporation and Philips Electronics, inspired the innovation of the DVD, created by two other world technology producers, Toshiba and Panasonic. The DVD is also ironic because it was created to discontinue the use of analog media equipment and even VHS tapes and compact discs. Yet, in 2024, DVDs are also considered to be almost obsolete because we now have access to streaming services and on-demand video playing technology. 

    The digital video disk was the world's first medium of interactive video technology, setting the course for further development of other interactive equipment. The innovation of the DVD came with many new, impressive features, including expanded storage capacity, the option to pause, skip, and rewind the displayed content. It was also easily accessible for consumers and displayed high quality video. The DVD helped to improve the communication between content creators and consumers. The consumers were able to have access to high quality movies and TV shows, thus building more audience interest and views. The content creators are able to continue producing other versions of their media, thus leading to a successful, growing film franchise. Some negative effects of the DVD invention were depleting the need of compact discs and VHS tapes, issues with music licensing, and piracy concerns over media theft and bootlegging. Though there are these negative effects, the DVD changed the future of media production and development. 

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