Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Blog #11: Final Blog Post

     The relationship between humans and technology is interpreted differently by each individual. Technology impacts every single one of us in some way, whether it be healthy or not. Just in the past decade, technology has revolutionized and is practically unrecognizable from the beginning of its development. It has influenced many aspects of our society and has changed the way us humans live our daily lives. It has affected how we share and learn new online information, as well as our overall outlooks on life and the future. Though technology is a huge part of our modern society, not every human or generation has the same experience. 

    Those of older generations are less dependent on technology than those of younger generations who grew up surrounded by it. As someone from Generation Z, I feel that technology takes up too much of our lives. Growing up in a world that thrives off of social media and technology, my whole life was consumed by it. Myself, along with many of my Gen Z peers can agree that our exposure to technology throughout our lives was mostly unhealthy and has caused us to become dependent on it for everything. For the most, the information that technology provides us seems to be accurate. However, I am sometimes weary that I may fall victim to believing misleading information from an unreliable source. Many people are too reliant on the information that they receive from technology and have to use it to help them get through their day. We are so consumed by technology, we have just accepted as a part of society since our world would fall apart without it. 

    For myself, my family, and friends, technology has played a very impactful role in our lives, some effects both positive and negative. Some ways that technology has had a healthy influence on our lives include advancing research, helps humanity work more efficiently, and expanding communication pathways through the development of Zoom, FaceTime, and social media apps. Some ways that technology has had an unhealthy influence on our lives include providing us with potentially misleading information and consuming our independence. With easy access to technology, many people never learned how to do basic human functions without its assistance. While technology is positively enhancing many aspects of society, it is also hindering humanity from reaching its fullest individual potential. 

    Anyone who is active online, whether that be on social media apps or through a personal website, you will have a digital footprint. This footprint is like your first impression to the online world, so it's best to paint your image to what you want others to see. Anyone in the world can access a glimpse into your life just by searching your name on Google. In fact, the first thing many employers will do when you are applying to a job is dig into your digital footprint. If someone puts in enough time and effort into digging around your online presence, they can possibly uncover your personal information, including phone numbers, addresses, and more. 
   Technology has impacted everyone in some way or another, whether it be in a healthy or unhealthy manner. It not only has consumed our independence, but has shaped who we are, how we see the world, and how the world sees us. The most impactful sources of technology are the Internet, social medias, and other communication technologies. If it weren't for the power of technology, our society and overall humanity would be very different from what it looks like today. 

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Blog #11: Final Blog Post

      The relationship between humans and technology is interpreted differently by each individual. Technology impacts every single one of u...