Sunday, March 24, 2024

Blog #3: The 8 Values of Free Expression


    The main goal of the First Amendment is to protect free expression for all citizens of the United States. This comes in many shapes and forms including freedom of religion, freedom from religion, freedom of speech, press, assembly, and petition. The Constitution was written based on principles and values that defined our country. Our Founding Fathers wanted to write this document to ensure that every citizen has equal opportunities for their rights. The eight values of free expression are a marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. 

    The marketplace of ideas, also known as the discovery of truth, shows that truth will win out over falsehood. Participation in self-government is affected because people will often not make wise, informed choices due to their political candidates' ability to communicate positions being restricted. The people are in need of a well-informed electorate within a debate. A stable change, also known as a safety valve, gives alienated citizens the opportunity to vent making society more stable and less likely for the occurrence of violence. The individual self-fulfillment, also known as self-actualization, shows how free speech enables all citizens to express themselves and develop their own personal identity. The check on governmental power, also known as the watchdog role, shows how freedom of the press often reveals the abuses of power to the American citizens. Thus, making us citizens and the press a crucial part of the checks and balances system. The promotion of tolerance shows that by protecting all types of hate speech teaches the citizens to become more tolerant throughout all aspects of life. The promotion of innovation harvests a more energized society, so it influences citizens to actively and diversely fulfill themselves. The protection of dissent shows how the First Amendment was made to protect everyone by giving citizens the strong right to disagree with and criticize the government. 

    The value of free expression that resonates the most with me is the participation in self-government. As a political science major, I will always want to participate in government. It is important, as an American citizen, that I am able to maintain the right of being able to trust in my electorates. For successful government debate, there needs to be effective communication amongst the well-informed electorates and the people. 

    Another value of free expression that feels personal to me is the promotion of tolerance. After years and years of growing up around expressed hate, I have grown tolerant of these behaviors. Thus, I have personally been affected by the value of promoting tolerance. This value is not only beneficial to me, but is beneficial to every American citizen. This value lays out the structure for what is right and wrong, in terms of appropriate behavior in society. 

    The value of free expression that I see most often in today's society is individual self-fulfillment. Nowadays, society is all about encouraging people to find their true personal identity. Freedom of speech allows each individual to express themselves and create their own unique identity. This value of speech theory helps to explain what is happening in the world around us. 

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