Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Blog #11: Final Blog Post

     The relationship between humans and technology is interpreted differently by each individual. Technology impacts every single one of us in some way, whether it be healthy or not. Just in the past decade, technology has revolutionized and is practically unrecognizable from the beginning of its development. It has influenced many aspects of our society and has changed the way us humans live our daily lives. It has affected how we share and learn new online information, as well as our overall outlooks on life and the future. Though technology is a huge part of our modern society, not every human or generation has the same experience. 

    Those of older generations are less dependent on technology than those of younger generations who grew up surrounded by it. As someone from Generation Z, I feel that technology takes up too much of our lives. Growing up in a world that thrives off of social media and technology, my whole life was consumed by it. Myself, along with many of my Gen Z peers can agree that our exposure to technology throughout our lives was mostly unhealthy and has caused us to become dependent on it for everything. For the most, the information that technology provides us seems to be accurate. However, I am sometimes weary that I may fall victim to believing misleading information from an unreliable source. Many people are too reliant on the information that they receive from technology and have to use it to help them get through their day. We are so consumed by technology, we have just accepted as a part of society since our world would fall apart without it. 

    For myself, my family, and friends, technology has played a very impactful role in our lives, some effects both positive and negative. Some ways that technology has had a healthy influence on our lives include advancing research, helps humanity work more efficiently, and expanding communication pathways through the development of Zoom, FaceTime, and social media apps. Some ways that technology has had an unhealthy influence on our lives include providing us with potentially misleading information and consuming our independence. With easy access to technology, many people never learned how to do basic human functions without its assistance. While technology is positively enhancing many aspects of society, it is also hindering humanity from reaching its fullest individual potential. 

    Anyone who is active online, whether that be on social media apps or through a personal website, you will have a digital footprint. This footprint is like your first impression to the online world, so it's best to paint your image to what you want others to see. Anyone in the world can access a glimpse into your life just by searching your name on Google. In fact, the first thing many employers will do when you are applying to a job is dig into your digital footprint. If someone puts in enough time and effort into digging around your online presence, they can possibly uncover your personal information, including phone numbers, addresses, and more. 
   Technology has impacted everyone in some way or another, whether it be in a healthy or unhealthy manner. It not only has consumed our independence, but has shaped who we are, how we see the world, and how the world sees us. The most impactful sources of technology are the Internet, social medias, and other communication technologies. If it weren't for the power of technology, our society and overall humanity would be very different from what it looks like today. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Blog #10: The Anti-War Voices of America

    Looking back at the time of the Progressive Era to looking at today's society, not much has changed when it comes to censoring the political expressions of the American citizens. Our country has always treated free speech as a controversial idea, thus pushing many topics of political expression onto alternative, non-mainstream media sources. Those who express beliefs that differ from the government are often subjected to share their viewpoints on other platforms, such as social media apps, non-commercial websites, podcasts, blogs, etc. The government is trying to keep these powerful opinions and expressions tucked away from the eyes of the public to avoid any sort of retaliative actions or outbursts that might come from the American citizens. By censoring political expressions, including anti-war voices, the government is still able to gain control and only share certain pieces of information with the public. 

    Two examples of non-mainstream media platforms are ANTIWAR.com and The American Conservative. These websites are full anti-war voices who provide their authentic, expressive political viewpoints that offer representation for those minorities of similar interests and beliefs. Sources like this are very common in today's society, as this is freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment. If these were to exist in the Progressive Era, those who loudly and proudly expressed their political viewpoints would be met head on with severe consequences. During this time period, if you were to publicly demonstrate any anti-war affiliations, then you could be persecuted and thrown into jail just for voicing your opinion. 

    The main goal of The American Conservative is to be the leader of the modern conservative movement to educate citizens and other political leaders on the idea of Main Street America. This idea effectively promotes the ideas of conservatism while healthily and respectfully combatting the influences of the opposition. This organization uses their website and books to promote the traditional values of American conservatism, including faith and family. Many platforms with a strong, right-winged affiliation have almost all been removed from mainstream media because Americans are going to continue to grow to become more and more liberal in their beliefs. Therefore, this platform exists as an alternative platform to be inclusive of the interests for conservative Americans. 

  The purpose of ANTIWAR.com is to provide honest, legitimate political opinions that mainly come from writers with libertarian and independent affiliations, but draws attention from both liberal and conservative viewers as well. The main goal of this platform is to inspire activism and dedication in regards to the implications of U.S. foreign policy. From the website, there was a quote from one of the last isolationists. In 1952, Garet Garrett said: "Between government in the republican meaning, that is, Constitutional, representative, limited government, on the one hand, and Empire on the other hand, there is mortal enmity. Either one must forbid the other or one will destroy the other." This is the reason that ANTIWAR.com is has a unique take on political expression is because it shares opinion while focusing on non-interventionism. 

    By just looking at these two examples, you can see how censored mainstream media content is when it comes to any sort of political opinion or anti-war expression. It is clearly evident that a majority of alternative, non-mainstream sources come from either a more independent and libertarian affiliation, and sometimes even a right-winged, conservative ideology. If it weren't for the First Amendment protecting our freedom of speech, we would still be stuck in the Progressive Era where we would be subject to cruel and unnecessary punishment for simply expressing our own beliefs. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blog #9: EOTO Reactions

        After observing the second set of EOTO presentations, I learned a lot of new information about different media terms and concepts. From my group, we presented Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sherman Anti-Trust Act, media consolidation, net neutrality, news deserts, and deep fakes. Some of the other terms and concepts presented in class were propaganda, alternative media, and mainstream media. It was very interesting learning about the different media concepts and how they impact society. 


    The first term that I learned about was propaganda, which is misleading or biased information to promote a particular side of the government. This was often seen during times of war and other worldwide crises. One main characteristic of propaganda is name-calling. This is 100% opinion-based, which means it causes controversy in society and influences the spread of misleading information. Propaganda is designed to evoke an emotional response from the viewers using information that appeals to concerns and insecurities. On the left is a famous example about World War II, designed in 1943 by J Howard Miller. 

    The second concept that I learned about was alternative media, which is any non-mainstream source of communication media. Some examples of this include social media apps, billboards, graffiti, podcasts, and newsletters. These sources tend to advocate the interests of those excluded from mainstream media. There are many minority target audiences of alternative media sources. Some of the interests that are streamed on alternative media include issues of LBGT, labor groups, as well as poor and racial minorities. Mainstream media is able to represent the society as a whole. However, alternative media provides and inclusive environment for people of those minority groups. 

    Although we were supposed to focus in on only one term or concept, I decided to discuss both of these, because I found them equally interesting. Propaganda was more popular around the time of the World Wars. On the other hand, alternative media is more popular in the present day with access to social media apps such as Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram. These are two great examples of how communication media concepts have had an influence in history and are still impacting today's society. 


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Blog #8: EOTO Artificial Intelligence


    The age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun and is here to stay. Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, computer systems, neural networks, and robotics. Artificial Intelligence is one of the newest, most popular forms of revolutionary technology. This modern concept has changed almost every aspect of our world. There are 4 main types of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, and robotics. Machine learning uses sample data to train computer programs to recognize patterns based on algorithms, including social media and digital assistants. Neural networks are computer programs designed to imitate the neurons in the brain, such as facial recognition technology. Natural language processing is technology with the ability to understand speech, as well as understand and analyze information and documents, this includes ChatGPT, email filters, and digital phone calls. Lastly, robotics are machines that can assist people without actual human involvement, some examples are iRobot vacuums and Teslas. 

    As with any new modern concept or technology, it comes with many implications, as well as positive and negative impacts. Artificial Intelligence is multi-purposeful and offers a variety of uses, which will change the future of our world. Artificial Intelligence can reduce human error by eliminating biases and increasing transparency. It can utilize statistical information to create data insights and analyses. Artificial Intelligence can demonstrate consistency in the workplace by performing repeated jobs and tasks. It can help less experienced workers train and enhance their productivity more quickly. With AI, there are both positive and negative impacts. Positively, AI increases efficiency, there is less risk with higher accuracy, 24/7 availability, and unbiased decision-making. Negatively, AI is not cost effective, it is uncreative because there is no personalization, it is emotionless, there is no ethics or boundaries, and it can lead to increased unemployment. 

    Artificial Intelligence is such a new concept, yet it has become very popular worldwide. As a whole, society has been changed and will continue to evolve through the future. There are several aspects that AI has already affected, including healthcare and education. Artificial Intelligence helps to facilitate access to information and greatly improving the efficiency of the workplace. AI has the ability to take over repetitive, dangerous tasks making the workplace safer. One area that AI will make a world of difference is in the field of criminal justice. Artificial Intelligence will help to enhance the way criminal activity is uncovered and crimes are solved. The usage of facial recognition is becoming just as common as fingerprinting. AI helps law enforcement and officials of the justice system be able figure out how to effectively use technology as evidence without invading an individual's privacy. 

    Artificial Intelligence affects every individual and every group differently, including males and females, older and younger generations, as well as the rich and poor. With the rich and poor, the rich are able to use their abundance of wealth to allocate funding towards AI resources. However, the poor are at a disadvantage because AI is not cost effective and they are unable to afford access to this resource. Artificial Intelligence will continue to expand the wealth gap around the world. With the older and younger generations, the older ones did not grow up with this advanced technology, so they are being immersed to this modern lifestyle later in their time. The younger generations have grown up in an era of dominant, revolutionary technology, so this is not very new to them. AI powered systems will help to assist the elderly with their daily routine and their healthcare, so they can live independently for a little while longer. According to the Pew Research Center, women are far more weary than men about the impacts of Artificial Intelligence. In the study, both men and women are asked about the safety concerning driverless vehicles. A majority of women were against this idea, versus a smaller percentage of men agreed with them. Personally, AI has affected several aspects of my life, but the most important impact has been on my education. As a part of Generation Z, I have grown up with the revolutionary technology that we use everyday. Throughout my high school and college education, I have utilized my access to Artificial Intelligence platforms, such as ChatGPT. Currently, I am at the beginning of preparing for my career, so AI will become advanced enough to soon affect my career path as a lawyer. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Blog #7: Innovation through the Lens of Diffusion Theory



     Today, one of the most influential innovations is social media, specifically looking at TikTok. With our world becoming more technologically advanced, it is not surprising that this innovation has caught on and spread. The app TikTok was initially released in September 2016, under its former name Musical.ly. This app allows users to watch and create short clips using special effects and popular music. The Chinese-owned app has caused chaos within the United States government. The House has been working to implement a bill to ban TikTok in the United States. As this app has become greatly popular around the world, this has led to lots of backlash from viewers and content creators. 

    Looking at TikTok through the lens of Diffusion Theory, this app caught on very quickly and spread worldwide. Though the app was designed for pretty much everyone, the target audience is teens and young adults. When the app was previously Musical.ly, there were many early adopters. Within their first year, the app grew to have over 200 million users. However, many people were still considered to be in the late majority because they didn't join the app until it was TikTok. As of the beginning of 2024, TikTok is the fourth largest social media platform with over 1 billion active users. I believe that there was such a spike in TikTok users due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Many people of the older population tend to be laggards and avoid the trending innovations as long as possible. When the pandemic happened, those laggards gave in and joined the millions of early active users. 

    I think that the people who are still laggards or those who are not active on social media continue to avoid apps such as TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat because they don't want to be exposed to new, trending media. Though this could be people of any age group, this behavior is often seen in older generations. As seen with other innovations throughout history, if you aren't born or growing up during the innovators stage, then you are more likely to be stuck in the late majority or laggards stage. Many people make the choice to avoid social media altogether, which can come with both positive and negative effects. Those who avoid these apps will benefit by having higher focus and productivity, as well as avoiding any unwanted influences. However, there are some negative effects, such as being disconnected from current events, less social interaction, and you can potentially fall out of the loop. 

    Depending on which perspective you live through, that can determine whether the positive effects outweigh the negatives. Personally, I think that social media, specifically looking at TikTok, the positive effects outweigh the negatives, because this communication technology provides a creative outlet for content creators and information entertainment for viewers. No matter which diffusion theory category you fall in, anyone of any age group can benefit from TikTok. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Blog #6: Privacy


    The concept of privacy, specifically online, is like a tattoo. Much to our dismay, there are permanent effects to digitally sharing aspects of our personal lives. Privacy is both a right and a privilege, a perfect example of this is when parents punish their children by removing their doors and confiscating their electronic devices. In today's technologically advanced world, whatever is shared online and off often has a lasting impact on one's personal life and reputation. The government is able to see and share all of our private information, especially if shared online through a public platform. This is true of anything from social media, like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, to your credit score, address, and other types of informational records. 

    As we live in a technologically advancing society, we are each affected daily by privacy issues. There have been many occasions where people provide and use their personal identifying information online and their data is seen and collected to be sold to other online marketing companies. Some of the information that these privacy invaders look for are your passwords, contact information, and even your location. There are several privacy concerns that have affected me and people that I know. For example, a friend of mine ordered a passport form from a third party website. Though she hadn't heard of this company before, she took a risk and used it anyway. To obtain her passport forms, she had to provide her Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth, travel plans, addresses, and much more. Not only did the website use and sell her information, but she was also scammed out of money that she had to pay for these forms, which she could have done for free through a government resource. You have to be both careful and mindful of who you are sharing your information with because this could lead to bigger privacy issues in the future. 

    In order to combat further problems from these privacy issues, the government needs to take action against it. One way to spread awareness of potential privacy invasions is the government could provide more room in our budget for homeland security to block out any foreign outsiders from stealing the American citizens' information. They could also establish online privacy learning programs in schools for children to learn about the dangers of sharing personal data online. In order to protect ourselves, we need to share less information online, thus possibly limiting the government's access to our private lives. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Blog #5: EOTO Reactions

     After observing the EOTO presentations, I learned a lot of new information about different inventions. From my group, we presented the compact disc (CD), digital video disc (DVD), television, cassette tape, personal computer (PC), and the camera phone. Some of the other inventions that were mentioned in class were the emoticon, emoji, and printing press. It was very interesting to learn about the evolution of technology throughout history. You don't really think about how big of an impact that technology has had on our nation's history. 

    The first emoticon has been traced back to a typo error in one of the speech transcripts of President Abraham Lincoln. The meaning of emoticon is pretty straightforward, it is an emotion icon. Using different keyboard symbols, people started to curate emoticons to share their expressions within their messages. The emoticons are made up of many symbols, including punctuation marks, numbers, and letters. 


    Though the emoticon was first founded in the United States, the first "emoji" was first introduced in Japan in 1997. The word "emoji" is derived from the Japanese meaning of "e" and "moji". In Japanese, "e" means picture and "moji" means character. Emojis have brought a new level of creativity and expression to the world of communication technology. Today, emojis have become vastly popular around the world with over hundreds of different emojis offered on Apple's emoji keyboard. These are a great alternative to show expression in online messaging conversations if you can't be face to face. 

    This is just one example of how impactful communication technology is on our world. There are so many other revolutionary inventions, including instant messaging, video games, postal service, and Netflix, as well as other streaming services. I was surprised at some of the information I learned from these presentations because I hadn't known the details about the inventions' creations. 

Blog #11: Final Blog Post

      The relationship between humans and technology is interpreted differently by each individual. Technology impacts every single one of u...